Rat race not for you? It's not for me either.
This is our attempt to build something that transcends the lunacy of the world that we find ourselves in.
Using science and nature we aim to build a sustainable Eco friendly lifestyle that benefits ourselves and our greater community.
Please enjoy our weird projects and our unconventional lifestyle.
Grow your own food
I'm not saying you can always find the space to grow all of your own food all of the time but it sure is fun to have a great harvest and thumb your nose at the old grocery bill from time to time.
Be one with nature
These days it seems hard to find connection with the earth and with each other.
It becomes increasingly important to stop and smell the flowers.
I feel more human when I put my hands in the dirt and sit with the garden in its time scale.
Art Work
Whoever said that if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life.
Didn't have to pay for rent in los angeles
From start to finish
The chicken coop is a robot!
Solar lights turn on at dusk.
Automatic door on a timer with a solar charger.
plumbed water for convenience.
More chicken please !
Easter egg hunts are a real thing.
In the winter time the girls don't lay so much.
So if they're free range, as are ours ,they'll start laying any old place come spring.
We'll keep them locked in the coop till mid afternoon or so until they get the idea to lay in the nesting boxes again.
This is not a chicken
Aquatic Gardens
Aquaculture is the idea that one can raise fish and grow vegetables with their waste water.
The plants in turn absorb the nutrients and leave clean water to be recycled back into the system
Grey water reclamation
We are recycling our bath and laundry water through solar distillation!
This system will need to get upgraded as it only makes about four gallons a week.
Still it works great and gives pure potentially drinking water with no other energy input.
Laziness is the true mother of all invention.
New Horizons
Chang is the only constant.
Always be changin.
The state offers a rebate if you choose to get rid of your grass.
This is the new plan to terrace the front yard and loose the grass in favor of a mulch top.
You can often get free dirt delivered from places like facebook marcet place or the such.
Or friends that happen to be digging out pools.